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Portfolio sheet 2022

Learn how to complete and submit the Single Statement along with the Portfolio.

What is a Portfolio sheet?
  • The document that reflects, according to the legal provisions in force, the gain/loss in RON recorded in the fiscal year 2018, following the operations of redemption of fund units issued by the investment funds managed by BRD Asset Management S.A.I. TO.
  • The gains resulting from the redemption of the fund units are considered, according to the provisions of the Fiscal Code, investment income;
  • The portfolio contains consolidated information on the profit/loss for each fund managed by BRD Asset Management S.A.I. for which repurchases were made by the investor. If the investor has repurchased units of fund denominated in EUR, respectively USD, then the gain/loss is converted to RON at the exchange rate communicated by the NBR valid at the date of payment of the redemption amounts and is cumulated with the rest of the gains. / losses, as the case may be, from the other funds.
  • The portfolio statement is issued only for individuals.
  • According to the legal provisions in force, BRD Asset Management S.A.I. sends to its investor's information on the total gains/losses, for repurchases made during a fiscal year, until January 31 of the current year for the previous year.
How do I get possession of the portfolio file and what should I do with it?
  • The Portfolio will be transmitted by BRD Asset Management S.A.I by mail, at the mailing address provided by you, you can download it online from MYBRD Net or you can get it for free in the BRD - Groupe Societé Generale units.
How is the gain calculated?
  • The gain/loss is calculated as the difference between the redemption price and the subscription price of the fund units, and the calculation method for the redemption gain uses the FIFO principle ("first in, first-out"). Below is an example that can help you:
Transaction date Operation Type Quantity Price
April 2018 Subscriere 25  
July 2018 Subscriere 25 105
December 2018 Rascumparare 40 110
Profit out of the redemption from December 2018 25 unit funds × (110 ron – 100 ron) = 250 ron
15 unit funds × (110 ron – 105 ron) = 75 ron
Total profit 250 ron + 75 ron = 325 ron

Taxes to be paid in this case= 325 × 10% = 32.5 lei.

What is the Single Declaration?
  • The Single Statement on Income Tax and Social Contributions Due to Individuals replaces Statement 200, as well as other tax returns on incomes. This is completed and deposited by the natural persons in Romania who make incomes on which the social insurance contribution and/or the social health insurance contribution are due.
How is the Single Declaration filed?
  • Starting with 2019, the Single Declaration will only be submitted, electronically through the Virtual Private Space, if the natural person has created an account on the ANAF website and activated by the fiscal inspector or through e-government in the case which the natural person holds a qualified digital certificate.
  • This statement can be downloaded by accessing the link:(https://static.anaf.ro/static/10/Anaf/Declaratii_R/declaratie_unica.html)
What is the deadline of summation for the Single Declaration?
  • The Single Declaration shall be submitted by March 15, 2019.
What is the payment deadline for payment obligations for 2018?
  • For 2018, the deadline is March 15, 2019, including the provision for payment of income tax and compulsory social contributions, due by natural persons in the situations regulated by the Fiscal Code, is extended until July 31, 2019, inclusive.
Do I have to file the Single Declaration regardless of the gain or loss?
  • Yes, the Single Declaration is submitted in the case of the existence of the redemption operations in the year in which the reporting is performed, both in the case of gains and losses.
What happens if I exceed this deadline?
  • The measures, in this case, are established by the tax inspectors within the local administration from which you belong.
What is the tax rate for earnings from redemptions of fund units?
  • For repurchases made in 2018, the tax rate is 10%.
In what situation are contributions of social health insurance for the income realized from repurchases of fund units?
  • If the incomes you made in 2018, cumulated from one or more sources and/or categories of income mentioned by the tax provisions (including the income obtained from the repurchases of fund units), were higher than the ceiling of 12 salaries gross minimums in the country and you do not fall into the categories of persons exempted from the payment of the social insurance contribution;
  • If you estimate that the value of the revenues for the year 2019, cumulated from one or more sources and/or categories of income mentioned by the tax provisions (including the income obtained from the redemptions of fund units) will be higher than the ceiling of 12 gross minimum wages in the country and you do not fall into the categories of persons exempted from the payment of the social health insurance contribution;
  • According to the fiscal provisions in force, the gross annual salary in 2018 was RON 1,900 / month, and in 2019 it amounts to RON 2,080 / month;
  • The share of the social health insurance contribution (CASS) is 10%.


According to the legislation in force BRD Asset Management S.A.I. does not withhold the income tax, nor the CASS - the investor has the obligation to declare and pay his fiscal obligations related to the earnings from fund units.

More information about completing the Single Declaration can be found 




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